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What is Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) of WTO?

12 Jan 2024 Zinkpot 175
The Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) is a significant international treaty that is part of the agreements established during the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations conducted under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). 


The Agreement on Agriculture addresses issues related to trade in agricultural products and aims to establish a fair and market-oriented agricultural trading system. It introduced disciplines and rules to address various aspects of agricultural trade, including market access, domestic support, and export subsidies.


Key elements of the Agreement on Agriculture include:

  • Market Access: The agreement seeks to improve market access by reducing and removing tariff barriers and quotas on agricultural products.
  • Domestic Support: The AoA establishes rules to limit domestic support programs that distort trade. It categorizes domestic support into three "boxes" - the Green Box (non-trade-distorting measures), the Amber Box (trade-distorting measures with limits), and the Blue Box (less trade-distorting measures with conditions).
  • Export Subsidies: The agreement aims to reduce and eventually eliminate export subsidies on agricultural products, as they can distort international trade by providing unfair advantages to exporting countries.
  • Special and Differential Treatment: Recognizing the diverse nature of agricultural economies, the AoA allows for special and differential treatment for developing countries, providing them with more flexibility and longer time frames for implementing certain commitments.
  • Review and Monitoring Mechanism: The WTO's Committee on Agriculture oversees the implementation of the AoA. Regular reviews and monitoring are conducted to ensure that member countries are adhering to their commitments and to address any concerns or disputes that may arise.
  • Tariffication: The agreement encourages the conversion of non-tariff barriers into equivalent tariffs, making trade measures more transparent and predictable.
  • Tariff Reduction Commitments: Member countries commit to reducing and binding their tariff rates on agricultural products, providing a framework for the gradual reduction of trade barriers.
  • Peace Clause: The AoA includes a "peace clause," which protects developing countries from legal challenges regarding their domestic support programs until a permanent solution is found.


The Agreement on Agriculture was a significant step in addressing the challenges and distortions in global agricultural trade. It reflects efforts to create a more level playing field for agricultural producers worldwide and to promote a fair and open trading system. 


The Uruguay Round took place between 1986 and 1994, and it led to the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995.

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