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Economy and Finance

Economy and Finance

Demand pull and cost push inflation

27 Aug 2023 Zinkpot 276
  1. Demand-pull inflation is a type of inflation induced by a boost in aggregate demand. The increase in demand causes prices to rise as businesses try to meet the new demand 
  2. It usually occurs when the economy is operating above full capacity. 
  3. This type of inflation is usually good for the economy because it indicates that people are spending and businesses are growing.
  4. This type of inflation can happen when economic growth leads to an increase in consumer spending. It can also happen when the government increases its spending, or if there is a boost in exports.
  5. Imagine a scenario where there is a sudden increase in the demand for electric cars owing to the environmental policy imposed by the government. So now, due to the limited supply of electrical vehicles, all the sellers would increase their prices, which would result in demand-pull inflation.
  6. Cost-push inflation is a type of inflation caused by a growth in the cost of production. This may be caused by an upsurge in raw materials, labor costs, or taxes. 
  7. When these production costs increase, businesses will pass these increments on to consumers in the form of higher prices. This type of inflation is often referred to as supply-side inflation.
  8. This type of inflation can be caused by a hike in the price of raw materials, or by a rise in wages. 
  9. The best example of cost-push inflation is when there were restrictions imposed on production by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) which controls the majority of the world’s oil reserves. It caused prices to skyrocket by 400%. As a result, industries where inputs were oil and gas-centric, saw massive increases in production costs and were forced to raise prices to keep up.
  10. Demand-pull inflation tends to be more short-term, while cost-push inflation can be more long term.

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