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Economy and Finance

Economy and Finance

10 areas that India should focus upon to make it a Developed economy

11 Jan 2024 Zinkpot 151
  • India has the potential to become a super economy, as several factors contribute to its extensive ability to exert influence or project power in much of the world. Some of these factors include:
    1. Economic growth: India's economy has transitioned from a mixed-planned economy to a mixed middle-income economy, and it is currently the fifth-largest economy in the world. India is expected to become the third-largest economy of 5 trillion dollar by 2027-28.
    2. Demographic dividend: India's young and dynamic population is a significant strength that can be leveraged to drive growth and development.
    3. Infrastructure development: India needs to focus on infrastructure development, including roads, railways, airports, and ports, to support economic growth.
    4. Digital transformation: India needs to embrace digital transformation to drive growth and innovation.
    5. Renewable energy: India needs to focus on renewable energy to promote sustainable growth and development.
    6. Manufacturing sector: India needs to focus on growing its manufacturing sector to become a super economy. The manufacturing sector helps in employment generation, export growth, foreign investment, innovation and technology, infrastructure development, supply chain integration, etc.
    7. Export-driven growth: India needs to focus on export-driven growth to become a super economy. It contributes to the GDP, a better global market share, global ranking, infrastructure development, and enhances global competitiveness.
    8. Skill development: India needs to equip its workforce with the necessary skills to meet the demands of the changing economy.
    9. Environmental sustainability: India needs to address environmental challenges, including air pollution, water scarcity, and climate change, to promote sustainable growth.
    10. Good governance: India needs to implement sound governance policies to support growth and development.
  • By focusing on these themes/sectors, India can pave the way for a resilient and prosperous economy that benefits all sections of society and becomes a super economy.

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