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National Affairs

National Affairs

Indian Labour Conference

25 Oct 2023 Zinkpot 218
  1. The Indian Labour Conference (ILC) is a tripartite forum in India that brings together representatives of the government, employers, and workers (labor unions) to discuss and deliberate on various labor-related issues and formulate policies and recommendations related to labor and employment. 
  2. It serves as a platform for social dialogue and consensus-building among these key stakeholders in the labor sector.
  3. It is also known as the ‘Labour Parliament’ and is formed on the lines of the International Labour Conference.
  4. All the 12 Central Trade Union Organisations, Central Organisations of employers, all State Governments and Union Territories, and Central Ministries/Departments concerned with the agenda items, are members of the ILC.
  5. Key features of the Indian Labour Conference include:
  6. Tripartite Representation: The ILC consists of three main constituents: representatives of the government, representing various ministries and departments related to labor and employment; representatives of employers, representing industrial and business associations; and representatives of workers, representing various labor unions and workers' organizations.
  7. Regular Meetings: The Indian Labour Conference typically holds regular sessions to address a wide range of labor and employment issues. These meetings can cover topics like labor laws, workers' rights, industrial relations, wage policies, labor market reforms, and social security measures, among others.
  8. Policy Formulation: The ILC plays a crucial role in formulating labor-related policies and recommendations. The tripartite nature of the conference helps ensure that the viewpoints and concerns of all stakeholders are considered, which can lead to more balanced and comprehensive labor policies.
  9. Consensus Building: The conference aims to foster consensus among government, employers, and workers on various labor issues. While there may be differences of opinion among the stakeholders, the ILC seeks to arrive at mutually acceptable solutions and recommendations.
  10. Advisory Role: The recommendations and resolutions passed by the ILC are typically not legally binding but serve as important advisory inputs for the government in shaping labor and employment-related legislation and policies.
  11. Labor Reforms: The ILC has been instrumental in shaping labor reforms and laws in India, including amendments to labor codes and the evolution of labor-related policies to adapt to changing economic and industrial conditions.
  12. The Indian Labour Conference has a long history, with the first conference taking place in 1942 during British colonial rule. Since then, it has been a prominent platform for addressing labor issues in India, and its role remains significant in shaping labor-related policies and labor laws in the country.

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