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How safe are Electric Vehicles (EVs)? An analysis

20 Jun 2024 Zinkpot 254
The Indian Government is pushing for its citizens to buy electric vehicles. But are they safe?


You must have heard a lot many instances of electric cars catching fire in India. Electric vehicles typically catch fire because it’s Lithium-ion battery generates heat. Electric  vehicles are even more dangerous to operate in India due to it’s climatic conditions as India has both high heat and humidity. Lithium-ion  batteries tend to explode when they get overheated or when we use the wrong charger or current to charge them.


Damaged batteries can harm anyone who drives an EV or works on or around them, such as repair mechanics and tow operators. The batteries can short circuit, catch fire, and explode even when idle in storage. They can also leak toxic substances.


In case EVs catch fire, you can’t even use water to douse the fire. Using water to control the fire can risk a short circuit, which may lead to more sparking. Manufacturers recommend only the use of foam or a fire extinguisher in the event of accidents.


Further, EVs are quieter than most other vehicles, especially at low speeds. Pedestrians, cyclists, and visually impaired people who rely on sound inputs to take a side are at risk, especially if the EV comes from behind them.


Because of their large battery packs, EVs on average are 33% heavier than traditional petrol or diesel powered vehicles. That means they have greater potential to cause harm to other people on the road in case of any hit.


Due to EV’s weight, they increase tire wear by an average of 20% compared with other vehicles. So you need to change your tire more frequently than the traditional ones.


But they also provide more safety than traditional vehicles too? How?


EV has it’s own benefits. The  incidences of fire with electric vehicles are far lesser than with petrol or diesel vehicles. A Report found that only 2.6% of electric vehicles have caught fire so far compared to 4.4% of the traditional engines.


In the case of an accident or crash event, the safety system automatically isolates the  battery. There are sensors in place in the  vehicle’s internal structure. As soon as the sensors detect a crash or collision, they sever the voltage cables and disconnect all power flow within milliseconds of the collision.


Most electric  vehicle manufacturers today are switching to the liquid cooling technology. The technology keeps the  battery within a safe range of temperatures while the vehicle is in motion. They believe this technology will result in safer batteries.


Further, electric vehicles have a better centre of gravity since their  batteries are kept near to the surface. Therefore, if involved in a crash, the  car is less likely to roll over than other conventional cars.


So EV has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. Chose according to your needs.

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