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Economy and Finance

Economy and Finance

What are Special Mention Accounts (SMAs)?

27 Nov 2023 Zinkpot 247
  1. Special Mention Account (SMA) is a classification introduced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to identify accounts that have the potential to become Non-Performing Assets (NPA) or Stressed Assets. 
  2. There are four types of Special Mention Accounts - SMA-NF, SMA 0, SMA1, and SMA 2, which are categorized based on the duration of an overdue period.
  3. Here's what each term generally refers to:
    • SMA-0 (Special Mention Account - 0): This category includes loans where the principal or interest payment is overdue for 1 to 30 days. SMA-0 indicates an early stage of delinquency.
    • SMA-1 (Special Mention Account - 1): The SMA-1 category includes loans where the principal or interest payment is overdue for 31 to 60 days. It represents a higher level of delinquency compared to SMA-0.
    • SMA-2 (Special Mention Account - 2): The SMA-2 category includes loans where the principal or interest payment is overdue for 61 to 90 days. SMA-2 indicates a further escalation in the delinquency of the loan.
  4. What is NPA (Non-Performing Asset)?: An asset, including a loan, is classified as a Non-Performing Asset when it ceases to generate income for the lender. 
  5. In the context of loans, an NPA is generally characterized by the borrower failing to make principal and interest payments for a specified period, often 90 days or more. 
  6. NPAs are a concern for banks and financial institutions as they indicate potential credit risk and can impact the financial health of the institution.
  7. The terms SMA-0, SMA-1, SMA-2, and NPA are related to the classification of non-performing assets in the banking and financial sector. These terms are commonly used in the context of loans.

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