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Economy and Finance

Economy and Finance

Startup Village Entrepreneurship Program - SVEP

13 Apr 2023 Zinkpot 182
  1. Startup Village Entrepreneurship Program (SVEP) is the sub-component of Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) of the Ministry of Rural Development and is being implemented since 2016.
  2. Its objective is to address the issue of poverty and unemployment by encouraging entrepreneurship initiatives among the rural youth in the country.
  3. Aim: It focuses on giving self-employment prospects with financial support and training in the soft skills and business management, as well as creating localised community-based cadres for entrepreneurship promotion, with the goal of helping the rural poor get out of poverty by assisting them in setting up businesses and providing support until the business stabilise.
  4. Finances, incubation, and skill ecosystems are three fundamental aspects of rural start-ups that SVEP addresses.
  5. The SVEP’s activities are strategically planned to promote rural businesses, with one of the important areas being the development of a group of community resource persons - enterprise promotion (CRP-EP) who really are local, and help of entrepreneurs start rural businesses.
  6. CRP-EPs are all certified and assist on entrepreneurs with business support services.
  7. It encourages individuals and groups to start and grow businesses majorly in manufacturing, trading, and service sectors.
  8. Another essential area is to strengthen the block resource centre (BRC) in SVEP blocks, which is responsible for monitoring and managing community resource persons, evaluating SVEP loan applications and serving as a storehouse for enterprise related data in the concerned block. BRCs help to create a long-term revenue strategy that can function efficiently and autonomously.
  9. Under this, investments are also undertaken in the use of information and communication technology to build standard E-learning materials for minimising transmission loss in technological areas such as business plans and/or profit and loss account preparations.
  10. Under this scheme, Kerala has set up 25,602 enterprises in the last 5 years (2018-19 to May 2022), followed by Bihar-18,207; Madhya Pradesh-17,138; Jharkhand-15,797; and Uttar Pradesh-14,974.
  11. The Northeastern states - Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Manipur have established less than 1000 into prices during their period. Punjab has established 1750 enterprises; Uttarakhand-1838; Jammu and Kashmir-1966; Assam-2435; and Maharashtra-2688.

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