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Economy and Finance

Economy and Finance

What is Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) or CRAR?

10 Aug 2023 Zinkpot 505
  1. The Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is a financial ratio that measures a bank’s capital to its risk. In other words, CAR is the amount of money a bank has in reserve to cover losses on its loans. It is also known as the Capital to Risk Assets Ratio (CRAR).
  2. A higher CAR ratio means a bank is in a better position to tackle any financial storm. A lower CAR indicates that a bank is in a weak position to tackle any financial disability.
  3. It is calculated by dividing a bank’s capital by its risk-weighted assets. The capital used to calculate the capital adequacy ratio is divided into two tiers: 
    1. Tier 1 capital or core capital consists of equity capital, ordinary share capital, intangible assets, and audited revenue reserves.
    2. Tier 2 capital comprises unaudited retained earnings, unaudited reserves, and general loss reserves.
  4. It is an important tool for assessing a bank’s financial health. Its calculation helps banks determine if they have enough capital to cover their risks.
  5. Moreover, it is also important because it protects depositors and helps to ensure that banks can continue lending money.
  6. CAR is also used to assess a company’s credit rating. A higher CAR indicates a strong financial position and a lower risk of default.
  7. This ratio is important to businesses because it can help improve employee productivity and reduce costs. It can help employees become more productive by improving their working environment.
  8. Central banks and bank regulators set the CAR in banking to stop commercial banks from taking on more debt and going broke.
  9. It reduces the risk of bank bankruptcy by providing the banks with an analysis of their own capital and risk-weighted assets. CAR is required to ensure that banks have sufficient breathing room to take a reasonable loss level before declaring bankruptcy and losing depositors’ money.
  10. In India, the public sector banks must maintain a CAR of 12% while Indian scheduled commercial banks are required to maintain a CAR of 9%.

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