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Economy and Finance

Economy and Finance

Direct-To-Mobile (D2M): All you need to know about the broadcasting technology

15 Nov 2023 Zinkpot 214
  1. The Indian government is currently exploring the potential of a new technology called Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) which will enable mobile users to watch live TV channels on their smartphones without an Internet connection.
  2. Collaborative efforts involving the Department of Telecom, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, IIT Kanpur, and Prasar Bharati aim to explore D2M’s potential.
  3. Direct to Mobile" (D2M) refers to a strategy or approach where content, services, or communication is delivered directly to mobile devices without intermediaries or additional steps. 
  4. This concept is often associated with marketing, advertising, or content distribution that aims to reach users on their mobile devices efficiently.
  5. D2M is a broadcasting technology capable of transmitting multimedia content to consumers' smartphones without requiring an active internet connection. 
  6. Traditionally, it has been employed for issuing emergency alerts and assisting in disaster management. However, its versatility extends beyond these conventional applications.
  7. The science behind D2M is similar to that of an FM radio, where a receiver within the device can tap into different radio frequencies. This new-age technology is a combination of broadband and broadcast that uses mobile phones to capture territorial digital TV signals. 
  8. Using D2M, multimedia content, including live TV matches, can be streamed to phones directly without using the internet. 
  9. The strategy focuses on reaching users on their mobile phones or other mobile devices, recognizing the widespread use and reliance on these devices for communication, information consumption, and various services.
  10. D2M often involves bypassing intermediaries or traditional channels and delivering content or services directly to end-users. This can streamline the communication process and potentially reduce costs.
  11. In the context of marketing, D2M strategies may involve techniques such as mobile advertising, push notifications, SMS marketing, and mobile app marketing.
  12. D2M strategies aim to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience on mobile devices, recognizing the importance of a positive user experience in capturing and retaining user attention.
  13. Leveraging technologies like push notifications enables instant communication with users. This real-time interaction is a key aspect of the D2M strategy.
  14. While D2M strategies offer direct access to mobile users, they should be implemented thoughtfully and in compliance with privacy regulations to ensure a positive user experience and respect for user privacy preferences. 
  15. Presently, mobile devices in India do not support this technology because it requires the ATSC 3.0 standard which represents the latest version of Advanced Television Systems Committee Standards, designed to define how television signals from different networks, including terrestrial, satellite, and cable networks.
  16. This system cannot be implemented in India yet because this might potentially disrupt LTE and 5G networks' internal design. Additionally, the current network infrastructure lacks the capability to transmit signals for D2M.

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